A Few Things To Ask Your Contractor About Installing Vinyl Residential Siding

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A Few Things To Ask Your Contractor About Installing Vinyl Residential Siding

Vinyl siding has become one of the most popular residential sidings for new construction and renovations in many parts of the country. It has many appealing benefits, but its low installation costs play a role in making it so appealing. Here are some things to discuss with your residential siding contractor before you have vinyl siding installed.

If You Should Install New Soffit Boards Too

The soffit and fascia boards under your roof typically match the siding, so you may need to replace those at the same time as you get new vinyl siding. Your installer can put in vinyl soffit and fascia too. This not only makes the boards match the siding but vinyl ages better too.

The fascia and soffit boards are subject to rotting, insect invasions, and woodpecker damage when they're made of wood. By replacing your old wood boards with vinyl, you can eliminate some of those problems. A siding installer will probably put the new fascia and soffit boards on before installing the top rows of siding.

If There's An Order To An Exterior Renovation

If you're planning to totally renovate the exterior of your home and get a new roof, new gutters, or new windows, your siding contractor might prefer the work be done in a certain order. If it happens the siding company also installs windows or roofs, then the company can plan the work as it suits them.

If you need to call in other contractors, then you'll want advice on which contractors to call in first so the work can be done in the most efficient manner.

If You Have To Tear The Old Siding Off

Vinyl siding can often be applied on top of other types of siding including stucco and brick. However, your installer has to comply with local codes and they also need to make sure the old siding doesn't have any water damage that might be worsened by covering it up.

Not having to tear the old siding off can save money, but you have to weigh the pros and cons. Your siding contractor can let you know if it's not advisable to put on a new layer of siding.

If You Can Install Vinyl Siding In Hot Or Cold Weather

You may be able to have your new vinyl siding put on during any season as long as the weather isn't extreme. Vinyl is a unique type of residential siding because it expands and contracts so much in response to temperature changes.

Mild weather is the ideal time to install vinyl, but since mild temperatures may only be in the spring and fall, your contractor has to work with the current weather, and they have ways of dealing with siding that has expanded or contracted so it can be installed properly. If your contractor thinks weather conditions are unfavorable, they'll recommend waiting until a later time to do the installation.

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Roofing the Day Away Can you imagine hammering away at shingles from dawn until dusk? If this sounds like fun, then you may have a future in the roofing industry. If this does not sound fun at all, then you're going to be someone who calls a roofing company and leave the work to the professionals. There's nothing wrong with that. Roofing is hard and dangerous; it's definitely not for everyone. In fact, we don't climb up on the roof ourselves. We do, however, write about roofing on this blog. We consider that to be a small service we can do for homeowners who are interested in roofing and want to know more.


